Hi, I'm megan. 
I am a graphic designer based in Augusta, Ga. I graduated from mercer university in 2018 with a degree in Graphic design as well as a degree in marketing. in 2019, I also received my mba from mercer.
I love all things art: painting, pottery, and especially graphic design. I find so much joy in looking at design and inspiration everywhere I go. I have an obsession with antiques, french fries, cool socks, and the outdoors. When I am not Designing something new, I am usually traveling to new places or hanging out at a local brewery.
My work tends to gravitate towards a minimalist style with clean lines while incorporating dynamic twists to catch the eye. Much of my inspiration comes from nature: colors, shapes, and movement. The artwork I create is made to give viewers a certain feeling by setting the scene in the work.  I want my audience to have a sense of calm and familiarity when viewing my artwork and to be challenged to form new feelings or opinions on the subject. 
I tend to work in great detail, arranging items just so until they suit my vision. This is greatly seen in the page layout and typography of my graphics. There have been times when I spend hours moving text around until it fits perfectly into the rest of the page layout. 
While symmetry may be pleasing to the eye for some, I prefer asymmetry. I have a vision in my head of how the graphic should look and I will make even the smallest adjustments to different elements until the graphic transforms into what I envisioned. The aesthetic of the work viewed alone and in a show is an extremely important concept to me.
I am ready to be inspired, to create designs that are fresh and interesting. I am ready to meet and work with new people that have the same passion and drive towards creative excellence that i have, people that inspire and crave inspiration, people that push others to be the best they can.
If this sounds like the beginning of a beautiful collaboration, 
let's chat!   ​​​​​​​
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